In the beginning

This blog is all about coding and playing with Raspberry Pi. This blog is about documenting my adventures in designing and building a radio alarm clock. My aim is to create a radio alarm clock with the following features.

  1. Displays the current time
  2. Plays a defined internet radio station at a specified time
  3. Touch controls for volume, alarm on/off, Alexa Mic On/off
  4. Add Amazon Alexa
  5. Use LED ring to volume and Alexa activity.
  6. Make a case which is pleasing to the eye
  7. Add voice control for alarm on/off and show on display
  8. Add WiFi hotspot when no WiFi connected
  9. Add website to allow setting of WiFi SSID and Password along with other settings
  10. Make it into blue tooth speaker???

Other possible features could include snoring monitor using AI and machine learning.

In my next post I will detail the architecture of the design.

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